Comper Is A Free Compressor Effect Plugin By Analog Obsession

Comper Is A Free Compressor Effect Plugin By Analog Obsession

Analog Obsession has released Comper, a free compressor effect plugin for DAWs running on Windows and macOS.

Comper has two compressors in series: a top-side compressor and a bottom-side second compressor. The top compressor has no external side-chain feature, whilst the bottom one has both internal and external side-chain features. This is a “Serial Compressor” which is great for coloring and also, taming peaks at the same time.

Each compressor comes with three compression modes: VCA, FET, and OPTO, a basic “switchable” mode compressor. You can use these modes together, for example, you can select VCA and OPTO or VCA and FET, or any of them, or all of them at the same time. These circuits are parallel and they will be summed according to their count.


  • Two compressors in series with three circuits for each
  • Multiple circuits are usable for each compressor (VCA – FET – OPTO)
  • THRESHOLD +10dB to -20dB
  • RATIO 1:1 to 20:1 (With 1:1 you can get extra transformer color)
  • ATTACK 0.1 to 50ms
  • RELEASE 0.05 to 2sec
  • HPF 20 to 750Hz (Side-chain)
  • INPUT +/-15dB gain compensated (Usable if Threshold can’t reach low signals or if you want to push it harder!)
  • MAKE-UP +/-15dB
  • MIX will “mix” dry and wet signal
  • EXT will engage External Side-Chain for second compressor
  • POWER will bypass the whole plug-in
  • ANALOG OBSESSION label is oversampling. Simply click it and engage 4x oversampling.
  • Touchscreen support
  • Resizable interface. Simple “Bottom Right Corner Handle” to resize. 50% to 200%.

Comper is available in VST3, AAX Native, and AU formats for Windows and macOS.

Get the free plugin at Analog Obsession.